This event will be live-streamed in three parts, based on the schedule below. Should you require technical support during the event, please chat to our 'techn support' team on the bottom right button.
9:00 AM | Opening and Welcome
Prof Abbas Rajabifard (Forum Chair)
Prof Mark Hargreaves (Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research - UoM)
Prof Mark Cassidy (Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, UoM)
Dr Mika Törhönen (Global Lead Land Administration Specialist, The World Bank)
Melissa Harris – (Chair ANZLIC and Chief Executive Land Use Victoria)
9:45 AM | Session 1: Land and Climate Resilience, Chair Dr Keith Bell
Lisa Bush (Head for the National Location Information Branch - Geoscience Australia)
James Norris (Lead International Policy at Ordnance Survey & Working Group Group Chair UN-GGIM)
Craig Sandy (Surveyor-General Victoria and Intergovernmental Committee on Surveying and Mapping Chair)
Dr Katie Mee (Associate Director, Sustainability - UoM) and Dr Gerard Healey, Manager, Estate Performance and Sustainability – UoM)
Renee Chartres, Senior Land Advisor, Land Equity International
Dan Paull, Executive Vice President & General Manager Australia and New Zealand at Nearmap
Dean Capobianco, CEO Geoscape Australia
11:15 AM | Session 2: Energy and Climate Resilience, Chair Jamie Leach
Dr Johnanthan Trent (Founding Director at UpCycle Systems and Former NASA Scientist)
Prof Pierluigi Mancarella (Deputy Melbourne Energy Institute and Program Leader in Electrical Power Systems - UoM)
Martin Kolos (Industry Specialist – Energy Solutions – Emerson)
Cr Nicholas Reece (Deputy Lord Mayor – City of Melbourne)
1:00PM | Infrastructure and Climate Resilience, Chair: Dr Richard Simpson
Prof Saeid Nahavandi (Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Chief of Defence Innovation - Swinburne University of Technology)
Prof Nasser Khalili (Head of School of Civil and Environmental Engineering - UNSW and Director of RIIS)
Chris Body (OGC)
Dr Roxane Bandini (CEO and Co-founder of Geoneon)
Prof Rory Nathan (Professor in Hydrology & Water Resources – UoM)
Laura Pfiester (Acting Digital Urban Technology Lead - City of Melbourne
Dr Aaron Belbasis (Applied Research Leader, Aurecon)
2:00PM | Panel on Strategic Pathways Towards Climate Resilience, Chair: Mark Allan (Director Greenline – City of Melbourne)
Opening Remarks - Dr Clarissa Augustine (Founder and Lead on UN-GLTN)
Opening Remarks - Dr Gillian Sparkes (Victoria's Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability
Lisa Bush (Head for the National Location Information Branch - Geoscience Australia)
Michael Reid (Director Office of the Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Victoria)
Dean Capobianco (CEO Geoscape Australia)
Prof Guillermo Narsilio Ferrero (Deputy Head (Research) of the Department of Infrastructure Engineering - UoM)
3:30PM | Technological Showcase, Chair: Dr Davood Shojaei (CSDILA Lead of Visualisation - UoM)
Dr Govinda Pandey (Chief Executive Officer - Rockfield)
Glenn Cockerton (Managing Director - Spatial Vision)
Craig Williams (Chief Commercial Officer - Synth)
Ken Gillan (General Manager Victoria - NGIS)
Handy Kosasih (Managing Director - Interscale)
Rob Bryant (Executive Vice President, Asia Pacific & Japan - InEight)
John Linacre (Managing Director - Multivista)
Brian Nicholis (Vice President Asia-Pacific - Woolpert)
4:30PM | CSDILA 22 Year Anniversary and Closing